
Eight ways to determine the right time for knee replacement surgery and what to expect

Opting to undergo any kind of surgery can be stressful, so our medical experts at Heekin Clinic want to make sure you have all the information you need to make an educated decision about your orthopedic surgery. If your knee or knees are constantly hurting you during even the simplest activities such as walking, going up or down stairs, or even when you’re sitting down, knee replacement surgery may be the right choice for you.

Knee replacement surgery – also known as arthroplasty – is a very common procedure. In fact, over one in 10 Americans will need to have a total knee replacement by the age of 80 years old. So how do you know if knee replacement surgery is right for you? We’ll break down the reasons why you should consider having this surgery and when you should do it.

If you’re in so much knee pain that you’re considering knee replacement surgery, our guess is that you have already tried less invasive healing methods such as exercise, weight loss, physical therapy, medications or injections, or even non-surgical procedures for knee pain. If you’ve exhausted all the above-mentioned options and still have knee pain, our Jacksonville-based orthopedic experts suggest knee replacement surgery as a solution.

Here are eight ways you can determine if it’s the right time for knee replacement surgery

  • Knee pain is constant, it won’t go away and it isn’t getting any better despite conservative treatment such as physical therapy, cortisone injections and medication.
  • Your knee is unstable and giving way.
  • On top of the pain, your knees are also swollen and hard to move.
  • Your knee hurts even when you rest.
  • You’ve noticed your leg or legs bowing in or out.
  • Pain is interfering with your life and the activities you enjoy.
  • You want long-term pain relief.
  • You want to stay in the game and keep being physically active!

What can you expect with knee replacement surgery?

At Heekin Clinic, our orthopedic specialists will eliminate most to all of the inflamed tissue inside your knee that causes pain, swelling and limited movement. During surgery, we will remove part or all of the affected knee joint and replace the damaged areas with an artificial joint. Your orthopedic surgeon will also look for any deformations of the knee joint that can be corrected. This will help you get back to normal physical activities again and take care of any bowing of the legs that may be causing issues.

Initial post-procedure recovery includes an hour or two in a recovery room, followed by a 1-2 nights in St. Vincent’s Medical Center Riverside before you’ll be able to continue recovery from the comfort of your home. Full recovery time can range from three to 12 weeks, depending on age, progress with physical therapy, and other factors.

Knee ReplacementThe really good news: artificial knee joints can last between 15 to 25 years. For nine out of 10 people, their artificial knees are still working flawlessly well into 20 years after the replacement surgery. However, your age can impact your results. Those who are older and less active typically have longer lasting results. But don’t let that deter you – according to the Arthritis Foundation, 90-95% of younger patients (around 55-65 years of age) report pain subsiding after knee replacement surgery.

When you do decide it’s time for knee replacement surgery, trust your joint replacement to the orthopedic specialists with long-standing experience and an outstanding reputation: Heekin Clinic. Orthopedic excellence by way of exceptional patient care and long-term results are our main priorities. That’s why Dr. Heekin has the best surgeon’s score for knee replacement surgery in Jacksonville and why Heekin Clinic has been named as the best Orthopedic Practice in the Jacksonville area.

Call for more information and to set up your consultation today.